Yesterday turned out to be so nice (low 60s!). Andre took the dogs out to exercise. A couple of them have put on some pounds over the winter because of lack of activity (not unlike their humans…). Plus they were stir crazy because we had so much ice on the ground this past week, making it impossible to do anything outdoors. He takes out the tennis balls and tosses them with a ball flinger (?) and they run and run and run. Good for conditioning. I wish I was ball motivated. (Your minds are in the gutter, don't go there!)
Some of the dogs actually retrieve the balls, some just run and others (BAD SHANE!) take the balls and run off and hide them.
Belle is just learning the Border Collie games. So here are the pics I’ve been promising.
Belle! 5 months old.

She loves her big brother Blue.

The main guy. The one who controls the madness.

Figuring it all out.

Time out for necessary "doodies".

Blue Cool down - good thing there was still some ice.

Watcha doin?

Hmmm....what are these?

Apres Play
Oh my - she is adorable!! I don't know how you can stand it. My mind was SO not in the gutter. Not much. lol Ball flinger hunh? hehe
Not so adorable when she's whining at 2:00 am.
Can we say SPOILED?
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