Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I've decided to go to Weight Watchers.....again. I did it for awhile a couple years ago and lost 10 pounds, and it was surprisingly easy! I just got bored (i.e.weak). But those pounds have come back to visit and brought some of their friends along, so I really do need to get serious and get rid of all that extra weight I've been carrying around for way too long.
I'm on BP meds and Lipitor, and I could probably get off all those meds if I would just lose some weight and EXERCISE! ugh. I've finally realized that my aching back and my lack of energy might have something to do with the extra 40 lbs I've put on in the last 5 years. So this time I'm going to do it with a vengeance and I'm putting it on this blog for a little extra accountability. :)
Andre might even join with me. A fellow teacher at his school lost 90 pounds on WW. Of course Andre probably lost 10 pounds just thinking about going on a diet - MEN!

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