We're entered in a sheepdog trial next weekend. I haven't trialed in about a year, so I'm a little nervous. I'm not running Heather - I've let Andre work her lately and he'll run her in Pro-Novice which is good for him AND her. She was getting very naughty on the lift and fetch in the Ranch courses with me and the last trials I ran her in resulted in DQs because she was gripping on the fetch. Never did figure that out, but I thought that the shorter outrun AND having Andre run her might make her not lose her head.
SO I'm nervous because I'm running Vic. He's a nut. SO hyper. But I've been letting him do practical work at home - bringing in the moms and lambs - and he's becoming a different dog. It's so nice having my own sheep to work. I see such a difference in the dogs. So we'll see how he does at the trial. Even though he hasn't been a star on the trial field, I absolutely LOVE this boy and tell him that when they make it legal, I'm going to marry him! (yes - I'm a weird one)
I'm also going to let Blue run!!! There aren't a lot of dogs entered in the trial (50+), so they are having "FUN" runs if it's not too hot (my emphasis on fun, so I remember to keep my head on!). I thought this might be a nice introduction for him. He's not quite ready for trialing - doesn't really know his flanks yet - but he can do a decent outrun and fetch and he wears very nicely, so I'll be happy if we get that far. He's such a cute bugger and I have to keep from laughing at him when we're working sheep because he gets SO SERIOUS, and all other times he's a complete goober.
The trial is at the beautiful Mount Vernon Farm in Sperryville VA. Absolutely wonderful place for a trial. They raise grass fed cattle, lamb etc. and sell it there. Cliff, the owner, will be grilling up some of their home grown burgers (and lamb sausages hopefully!) for lunch.
SO I'm nervous because I'm running Vic. He's a nut. SO hyper. But I've been letting him do practical work at home - bringing in the moms and lambs - and he's becoming a different dog. It's so nice having my own sheep to work. I see such a difference in the dogs. So we'll see how he does at the trial. Even though he hasn't been a star on the trial field, I absolutely LOVE this boy and tell him that when they make it legal, I'm going to marry him! (yes - I'm a weird one)
I'm also going to let Blue run!!! There aren't a lot of dogs entered in the trial (50+), so they are having "FUN" runs if it's not too hot (my emphasis on fun, so I remember to keep my head on!). I thought this might be a nice introduction for him. He's not quite ready for trialing - doesn't really know his flanks yet - but he can do a decent outrun and fetch and he wears very nicely, so I'll be happy if we get that far. He's such a cute bugger and I have to keep from laughing at him when we're working sheep because he gets SO SERIOUS, and all other times he's a complete goober.
The trial is at the beautiful Mount Vernon Farm in Sperryville VA. Absolutely wonderful place for a trial. They raise grass fed cattle, lamb etc. and sell it there. Cliff, the owner, will be grilling up some of their home grown burgers (and lamb sausages hopefully!) for lunch.